![John M. Cioffi](../images/cioffi.medium.png)
Additional EE379A topics
EE 379A - Digital Communication: Signal Processing
Eye Diagram / Equalization
- eye_eq.m - Produces eye diagrams/equalization filter plots.
- Documents from Equalizer help session
Programs by Atul Salvekar
- Baseband Equivalents:
- script1_1.mPerforms a complete bandpass analysis of a system given a transmission channel. resp.mat is the response of the channel for the frequencies freq.mat. script1_1.m makes uses the following functions:
- Show_2sided.m:This function returns the two sided frequency response given a real signal.
- Freq_RC.m:Constructs a bandpass filter.
- Anal_Eq.m:Finds the analytic equivalent of a signal/system.
- Chan_anal.m:Produces the analytic equivalent of the output given the input and a filter.
- Chan_bbout.m:Finds the baseband signal given the analytic signal.
- Time_Resp.m:Converts frequency response to time response.
- Chan_out.m:
- Cioffi_constant.m:
- Noise_Filt.m:Gives the output PSD of a filtered noise process.
- EquivNoise.m:Generates the equivalent noise channel(up to a phase).
- An example on decoding regions: These programs have to do with the homework problem that you were given in week 1 (1.7). The first is a .ps file that talks about decision regions and independence. This may be useful. The rest is a sweet of programs that were used to generate a decision region that you had to calculate in the homework.: Dec_Reg.ps, decreg2.m, n02.m
- This gives an example on the Theorem on Irrelevance: irrelevance.pdf
Extra / works done by past students
Extra problems prepared by Vahideh Hosseinikhah
Extra problems prepared by Bassam El Khoury Seguias
Extra project by Dimitrios Bisias
Hilbert Transform Example by Andrew Stevens
Canonical factorization Tutorial how to use Matlab to do canonical factorization. prepared by Laura Diaz
Sampling, Sampling Rates, and the two-path Channel by Yang Guo
Deriving a ZF-DFE from a ZFE by Moshe Malkin
D-Transform by Jessica Heyman
In-depth review and tips for Problem 3.34 by Hoi Wong
Discrete and Continuous Time Sampling and Convolution Review and Relationships by Chien-Hsin Lee